92 Results for:

January 19, 2018

Containing Russia

The United States has failed to elevate Russia’s intervention in U.S. elections to the national priority that it is, and it has neglected to respond to it in a way sufficient to deter future attacks,…

August 23, 2010

Internet Governance in an Age of Cyber Insecurity

Overview The Internet, since its debut in 1989, has revolutionized commerce, communication, military action, and governance. Much of the modern world is simply inconceivable without it. This revol…

June 28, 2023

Health Policy and Initiatives
A New U.S. Foreign Policy for Global Health

The United States should treat pandemics and global warming as apex health threats to its national interests, argues David P. Fidler.

October 5, 2023

World Health Organization (WHO)
Negotiating Global Health Security

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic could revolutionize global health security, but the window for change is closing—quickly. In the latest Council Special Report, Yanzhong Huang and Rebecca Katz outline the urgent reforms that could lead to a safer, healthier world.

March 19, 2006

Homeland Security
Neglected Defense

Overview The withering scrutiny that ports have received in recent weeks has highlighted America’s ongoing state of national vulnerability. In the fifth year since 9/11, federal efforts to enli…

September 6, 2023

Rethinking International Rules on Subsidies

The World Trade Organization needs an updated toolbox in the face of rising industrial policies across the globe.