267 Results for:

November 29, 2018

Arctic Governance

As national governments, international institutions, and nonstate actors explore approaches to Arctic governance, a cohesive approach is necessary to address the environmental, economic, sociocultural, and geopolitical challenges the region faces.

Norway's Crown Prince Haakon (center) and Crown Princess Mette-Marit (right) look at an Arctic map at the   Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on November 7, 2016.

November 4, 2021

Major Power Rivalry and the Management of Global Threats

The United States should regard distrust, not cooperation, as a baseline condition for starting negotiations around shared global threats and challenges with other major powers, such as China and Russia.

November 14, 2022

Global Health Security in the DNA Age

Rapid advancements in biotechnology could have massive implications for public health and the global economy. Ryan Morhard, director of policy and partnerships at Ginkgo Bioworks, outlines how global…

November 3, 2022

East Africa
Climate Change and Regional Instability in the Horn of Africa

Climate change is exacerbating instability in the Horn of Africa. Democratizing climate awareness, respecting African energy needs, and supporting regional organizations are strategies to mitigate it…

June 13, 2022

China and the Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia

To support its allies and partners in South Asia, the United States should assist South Asian countries in assessing Belt and Road Initiative risks and benefits.