584 Results for:

April 12, 2024

The IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings: What to Know

The IMF and World Bank’s spring meetings will focus on the prospects for a soft landing after years of global economic turbulence. But major challenges remain, including growing climate finance needs…

September 21, 2023

Women and Women's Rights
Progress on the Status of Women and Girls Off Track in UN Assessment

The world’s nations are lagging woefully behind in meeting targets for achieving gender equality by 2030, but a new round of initiatives has stirred hope of progress.

August 31, 2023

Thailand’s Turbulence: Implications for the Region and the World

Thailand’s national elections saw a resounding vote for democratic change, but the ruling elite have maneuvered to preserve power, potentially setting in motion another round of political upheaval.

November 17, 2022

Do Iran’s Women Protesters Have the Power to Topple the Regime?

Despite limits to their political and social power, Iranian women are leading protests that could jeopardize the regime.

April 16, 2024

What Is the Extent of Sudan’s Humanitarian Crisis?

A year into the civil war in Sudan, more than eight million people have been displaced, exacerbating an already devastating humanitarian crisis.

March 18, 2022

Europe and Eurasia
Russia Is Censoring News on the War in Ukraine. Foreign Media Are Trying to Get Around That.

A Kremlin crackdown on independent media is walling off Russians from the truth about the country’s widely condemned invasion of Ukraine, but Western-funded media outlets are ramping up efforts to ci…

March 12, 2020

Mexico’s Women Push Back on Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based killings in Mexico have sparked mass protests, with activists blaming the government for an anemic response.