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August 1, 2017

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Empowering Refugees in Times of Crisis

To address a migration emergency that shows no signs of abating, states should look beyond building refugee camps and offer economic opportunities to those displaced, says expert Alexander Betts.

An Afghan refugee is pictured working at a workshop with tools in Wuppertal, western Germany

March 22, 2006

Elections and Voting
Belarus Opposition Candidate Kozulin: ’We’re Fed Up’ With Dictatorship

In light of a disappointing performance by the Belarus democratic opposition, dissident Alexander Kozulin tells cfr.org his supporters will never stop trying to liberalize society in the former Sovie…

September 9, 2011

How Afghanistan Is Rebuilding Itself

As concerns grow over Afghanistan’s ability to govern, USAID’s J. Alexander Thier discusses development successes and challenges, singling out infrastructure and energy as critical areas for investme…

March 15, 2006

Glacel: Belarusian Opposition Gaining Speed but No Revolution in Sight

Amid signs of slipping popularity, Belarus’ authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenka is expected to win a new presidential term on March 19. An official with a prominent Western polling group tells …

March 20, 2006

Elections and Voting
Shushkevich: Belarusian Election A Farce

One of the Belarusian opposition’s few elder statesmen, Stanislav Shushkevich, says the March 19 presidential polls were “absolutely falsified.” In an interview with cfr.org from Minsk, he discusses …