20 Results for:

March 27, 2012

United States
Lessons Learned: LBJ Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection

CFR’s James M. Lindsay remembers President Lyndon B. Johnson’s announcement on March 31, 1968, that he would not seek reelection, and discusses the damage that foreign policy can do to a presidency.


December 20, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Troubling Trends: Homegrown Radicals and al-Qaeda

A top New York City police official and author of a new book on al-Qaeda, Mitchell Silber, discusses with CFR’s Ed Husain the persistent threat of a homegrown U.S. radical mounting a terrorist attack.

July 5, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Ending Impunity for Pakistan’s Security Forces

Pakistan’s military intelligence agency, the ISI, is facing mounting allegations of involvement in the murder of journalist Saleem Shehzad. Pakistan’s security forces have long committed human r…

June 23, 2011

Cybersecurity and the Private Sector

AT&T’s Chief Security Officer, Edward Amoroso, discusses the recent spate of cyberattacks and how governments and the private sector can help protect infrastructure and prevent future attacks with Ad…

May 10, 2011

China’s Innovation Wall

Adam Segal, author of "Advantage: How American Innovation Can Overcome the Asian Challenge," discusses the policy changes needed to achieve the Chinese ambition to move from a model of "made in Chi…