24 Results for:

September 28, 2021

Afghanistan War
Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam: How the U.S. Has Resettled Its Wartime Allies

The United States has granted tens of thousands of special visas to Afghans who aided U.S. forces, but many others are still waiting. How does this compare with previous efforts?

October 18, 2018

Does Italy Threaten a New European Debt Crisis?

Italy’s populist government has relished defying the European Union, and its latest showdown with Brussels could threaten the continent’s fragile recovery—and the global economy.


May 17, 2019

European Union
Why the European Parliament Elections Matter

Populist parties are looking to make big gains in European Parliament elections. That could disrupt EU policy on issues from trade to migration.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini at a rally.

August 16, 2018

Nord Stream 2: Is Germany ‘Captive’ to Russian Energy?

President Trump has targeted Germany over its supposed dependence on Russian natural gas, and the proposed Nord Stream 2 is dividing the EU. What’s in store for Europe’s pipeline politics?

Nord Stream 2 pipes

September 21, 2018

Europe Wrestles With Hungary’s Populist Challenge

The European Parliament’s vote to reprimand Hungary over its growing authoritarianism has tested the EU’s readiness to stand up to illiberalism within the bloc.

anti orban protesters