1,119 Results for:

July 11, 2017

Violence Against Female Politicians

Voices from the Field features contributions from scholars and practitioners highlighting new research, thinking, and approaches to development challenges. This article is authored by Hilary Matfess,…

Iranian women vote

July 25, 2018

Donald Trump
Summing Up the Trump Summits

President Trump’s approach to summits is fueling, rather than mitigating, global instability.

Trump Putin summit

May 28, 2019

Labor and Employment
Beyond Unemployment

In modern economies, people may have jobs, but they still harbor major concerns in a wide range of areas, including security, health and work-life balance, income and distribution, training, mobility…

Help Wanted Pizzeria Employment

June 16, 2018

North Korea
The Singapore Summit’s Uncertain Legacy

The Singapore summit lessened the chances of conflict in the short term, but the ultimate legacy of the summit could still be a march toward war.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

August 26, 2019

Financial Markets
The End of Shareholder Primacy?

The recent decision by America's Business Roundtable to abandon its support for shareholder primacy was a long time coming, and reflects a broader shift toward socially conscious investment. Now that…

Shareholders Siemens