154 Results for:

August 23, 2010

Is a Mosque Near Ground Zero a Bad Idea?

Five experts address the controversy over the proposed Islamic center near the 9/11 attack site in New York, the foreign policy implications, and how the issue should be resolved.

May 2, 2011

What’s Next for al-Qaeda?

Osama bin Laden’s death is a real and symbolic blow to al-Qaeda, and its stature in the Middle East is already diminished by the pro-democracy movements in the region, but the group remains lethal. S…

February 17, 2012

Debating U.S. Options in Syria

As the debate over intervention or arming the opposition grows amid continuing violence in Syria, four CFR experts offer their recommendations on how Washington should respond to the crisis.

March 11, 2011

Immigration and Migration
Immigration Reform and U.S. Economic Performance

As the United States works to rebound from the economic downturn and improve global competitiveness, the debate over immigration reform intensifies. Six experts weigh in on how to reform the U.S. imm…

October 20, 2011

After Qaddafi, Libya’s Daunting Path

Post-Qaddafi Libya will face difficulties with rebel infighting, the anger of Qaddafi loyalists, and more, but the long-time dictator’s death also creates an opening for a more peaceful country. CFR’…