106 Results for:

August 29, 2017

United States
Why Battles Over Memory Rage On

Protests over the removal of Confederate monuments show that the U.S. Civil War’s emancipatory purpose remains contested a century and a half later.

A Louisville, Kentucky, monument to a Confederate officer vandalized in August.

August 16, 2017

Radicalization and Extremism
What Is the Far Right’s Threat to National Security?

Armed protests in Charlottesville highlight how the U.S. government has long devoted insufficient resources toward countering domestic far-right movements.

A militia member rallies in Charlottesville.

June 8, 2017

Islamic State
Why Did the Islamic State Target Tehran?

With its attacks in Iran, the Islamic State is trying to demonstrate that despite military setbacks it remains a capable Sunni vanguard.

A boy is evacuated from the Iranian parliament during an attack.

April 7, 2017

Will Syria Yield to the Chemical Weapons Ban?

Syria’s breach of its treaty obligations has led to broad international support for U.S. military action, says CFR’s Lori Esposito Murray.

March 29, 2017

United States
Hard Power’s Essential Soft Side

President Trump’s proposal to build up the military while slashing funds for diplomacy and foreign assistance misses how “soft power” can advance the national interest, says Joseph S. Nye, who coined…