96 Results for:

June 22, 2012

New from CFR: Thomas Bollyky on the Rio+20 Conference

In an interview today on CFR.org, CFR Senior Fellow Thomas Bollyky discusses the environmental and development issues on the table at the Rio+20 Conference. Bollyky suggests that the conference’s ult…


August 14, 2019

Conflict Prevention
How to Win Friends and Avoid Forever Wars

Major powers need to provide less support for proxy forces and place more emphasis on conflict resolution.

A man rides on a bike past rubble in Ein Terma, a district of eastern Ghouta, Syria.

March 4, 2021

The President's Inbox Episodes by Topic

A comprehensive list of each episode of The President's Inbox organized by topic. 

Resolute desk

November 11, 2022

United States
Was It Worth It?

Dan asks a question that everyone who has ever signed up for military service has likely asked: was it worth it? His answer is worth reading. 

Sens. Dole and Inouye

July 15, 2022

The "Two-State Solution" as Panacea Never Fades Away

President Biden showed strong support for Israel during his recent visit, but never explained how the "two-state solution" would be possible without damaging Jordanian and Israeli security.