370 Results for:

December 15, 2006

Wars and Conflict
Resetting U.S. Policy in the Middle East

President Bush’s review of U.S. Iraq policy may involve adjustments to broader U.S. strategy in the Mideast. Bush is hearing proposals ranging from a boost in combat forces to engaging Iran and Syria…

March 22, 2007

United States
The Changing Scope of U.S. International Broadcasts

The U.S. government has boosted spending on international broadcasting since 9/11, expanding its reach to the Internet and satellite TV. But critics say these outlets have lost their focus.

March 25, 2009

United States
Human Rights Reporting and U.S. Foreign Policy

The U.S. State Department’s annual global rating of human rights performance antagonizes friend and foe alike. Many rights activists embrace the reports while some express doubts about their influenc…

January 16, 2007

United States
The 110th Congress—Democrats and Energy Security

Democratic congressional leaders say improving energy security is a priority. But while there is broad interest in lessening U.S. dependence on foreign oil and in promoting renewable fuels, comprehen…

January 4, 2007

United States
The 110th Congress: Dems and Trade

The Democrats now leading both houses of Congress will exercise strong influence on U.S. trade matters. Experts expect a slowdown in action on trade deals and a tough battle for renewal of the presid…